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 Training & Workshops 

With a focus on individual and team effectiveness, A Leader’s Edge offers customized workshops to equip your organization with the tools and tactics that get results, while giving participants insight into their behaviors and the behaviors of others.


Over the years as a coach and trainer, I’ve helped professionals identify and use their signature strengths, stretch themselves to take on challenging assignments, lead significant change initiatives and build great teams. 


It’s become clear that People Skills are key to their success. 

My customized workshops focus on enhancing the relevant People Skills for the people in your business.  All training is designed using adult learning principles--mixing mini-lectures for knowledge building, interactive exercises for skill practice and case studies and/or assessments to deepen the understanding.  The workshops offer multiple methods for participants to learn, explore and practice new behaviors in a safe, supportive environment.  Individual Action Plans are developed to bridge the classroom learning to the workplace.  Group Coaching is available to cement the desired behaviors and skills back at work.


Emotional intelligence is the foundation for a host of critical skills-

  • Teamwork

  • Trust

  • Flexibility

  • Decision making

  • Communication

  • Stress tolerance


In any relationship, communication is key,

and working together is essential in

today's business environment. 

Good workplace communication and collaboration create a comfortable, effective and efficient work culture.

Emotional Intelligence

 Emotional Intelligence 


Emotional Intelligence is a set of emotional and social skills that collectively establish how well we: 

  • Perceive and express ourselves

  • Develop and maintain social relationships

  • Cope with challenges

  • Use emotional information in an effective and meaningful way

Click here: Business Case for Emotional Intelligence

The most successful people in work and in life have the ability to manage themselves and manage their relationships with others. The good news is that

Emotional Intelligence can be learned and strengthened throughout our lives.

It's never too late to add these essentials skills to enhance career development and advance team performance. Studies conclude that the fastest way to enhance Social and Emotional skills is through coaching.

Collaboration & Communication

 Collaboration & Communication 

Without clear information exchange, team members can become disgruntled and project completion can be left in jeopardy. Effective communication helps to address concerns, clarify questions, and convey emotions.

Communication and Collaboration skills

can be built and strengthened when

given proper attention.  


Here are five benefits for offering the DISC Workshop in your workplace:

  • Provide a common way for employees to understand one another's work styles and identify similarities or differences

  • Help employees learn to work better with one another

  • Foster an environment of trust and collaboration

  • Improve workplace communication

  • Reduce conflict and help avoid miscommunications

A research-validated instrument, the DISC Assessment is the universal language of observable behavior. It explains how a person does what they do. DISC is built around four unique behavioral styles, and how the unique qualities of each impact the way we approach people, problems, pace and procedures. 

create a competitive Edge for individuals, teams and organizations through:

  • Assess potential

  • Grow leadership capability

  • Build customized development plans

  • Enhance employee engagement

  • Improve collaboration

  • Build healthy teams that deliver results

  • Create awareness

  • Improve critical relationships

  • Develop strategic plans

Trainig & Workshops: Contact Us

 Let’s talk about your goals 

to determine if I have the experience and skills to help.

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